Quilter: Chawnee Kimber

By erin, 10 February, 2021

Chawnee Kimber's quilts are SO full of color and meaning, she's a deep inspiration for using art to inspire and inform.  Her inspirations include the Gee's Bend quilt community and the AIDS quilts of the early 90s but these are not old quilts - although they may be old topic.  The use of color commands your attention, and it's the best use I've seen in contemporary art of using text to reinforce the main point.

Chawnee Kimber Quilt

and https://flic.kr/p/Qimucx

Check out her work on her web site https://cauchycomplete.wordpress.com/quilt-gallery/

 * https://www.womenarts.org/2017/02/02/the-colorful-radical-quilts-of-chawne-kimber/